2017: Retro
It’s the last couple of hours for the year 2017 and looking back at it right now. it wasn’t a perfect year but it has been super awesome and I’d like to share my story.
It’s been a year filled with lessons both professionally and as a human. 2017 was the year I wrote my first technical article which was a big deal to me considering the fact that I’m not used to talking about work but yeah! it was really good to do that and I hope I’m able to dish out more of that in the coming year (If you’re interested in knowing how to handle Social Authentication in your React Native App click here).
Personally, I learnt about things I don’t understand about people and how my perception of how to treat them sometimes differs from their expectation of me. Also, I officially lost all iota of shyness I have left in me which I’m not sure is a good thing yet but I’m sure I’ll figure that out soon enough.
I’d never get tired of saying this but I’m super grateful for my family, we’re not the most perfect of them all but they are super awesome and they were the single thing I’m thankful for during Thanksgiving (you can read about it here).
Also, I had the privilege of becoming part of another amazing family at Everplans. The past few months have joined the team has been super amazing for me and I’m super excited about working with this awesome family in the new year.
I’m not the most religious person you’ll ever meet but I strongly believe there’s a supreme being (God) that’s important in helping chart the course of one’s life and it’s important to give thanks to Him. Alihamdulilah (Thank you God) for 2017. My two cents here will be to trust the growth process ’cause as long you’re growing, learning and praying for divine guidance the sky is the starting point.
If you’re a close friend of mine, you’ll understand how much I love travelling and I can boast to have travelled the length and breath of Southern Nigeria but 2017 was the year I visit the great NYC which was a super awesome experience and the things that made it super awesome were:
- My amazing team at Everplans New York (can’t wait to see you guys again in the new year)
- Andela Travel Team (you guys rock!)
If you’re ever in New York, a few places I’d recommend you visit are:
- American Museum of Natural History (super close to Central Park)
- Madame Tussauds (Times Square)
- Meetups (attended one at Microsoft Building)
- Red Steps on Times Square

2017 is a year Nigerians won’t forget anytime soon especially because the country plunged into Economic Recession as a result of Oil prices falling so low the Economy cracked and a lot of things doesn’t seem to be working. Even though I’ve been accused of thinking like an Engineer i.e the believe that things can be fixed which I have a five year degree in by the way, I strongly believe the country’s economic situation can be fixed if all registered voters comes out to cast their votes come 2019 ’cause the time of sitting on the fence when choosing out leaders is way behind us. Everyone needs to ACT
2017 was a great year and I hope we all get the best of 2018 which arrives in a couple of hours. Thanks for reading.